Labadee tourist attractions

Labadee, Royal Caribbean Private Island.

LabadeeLabadee is a small peninsula on the northern coast of Haiti. It is a private beach leased to Royal Caribbean and you can only get there on a Royal Caribbean cruise. The Labadee resort is completely tourist-oriented and safe as there is a personal security force. A controlled group of Haitian merchants are given sole rights to sell their merchandise and establish their businesses in the resort. The site is fenced off from the surrounding area. The ships are no loner forced to tender passengers ashore as a passenger pier has been built.

Labadee Things to Do

The resort is on a peninsula about 300-400 m long, so is small enough to reach all areas by foot from the landing dock. Open air shuttles also run between all areas. The resort is completely tourist-oriented, focus is on watersports, and Labadee offers the requisite snorkeling, jetskiing, parasailing, kayaking, powerboating and banana boating.

Labadee’s Beaches

Labadee has four beaches: Adrenaline Beach, Columbus Cove, Nellie’s Beach and Barefoot Beach. The beaches are quite pretty, though the ones closest to the dock can become crowded if the cruise ship is carrying many families. Consider taking a shuttle to one of the areas to the left from where you tender in.

Labadee’s Arawak AquaPark

Most likely to capture young ones’ attentions is the Arawak Aqua Park. Come climb the only icebergs in the Caribbean at Arawak Aqua Park. Enjoy bouncing on the giant floating trampolines, going down the water slides, riding on the rolling log, and exploring many other water toys that will keep you cool while having fun. Adults and children alike will enjoy thus wonderful time at the park.

Dragon’s Breath Flight Line

Soar down the Dragon’s Breath Flight Line, the world’s longest zip-cable over water. Adrenaline junkies will need to content themselves with the seagull’s-eye view and sensation of floating.

Dragon’s Tail Coaster

One of the most epic activities in Labadee is the Alpine coaster named the Dragons Tail Coaster. This gravity-powered two person coaster is sure to get your heart pumping.